会计是对公司业务的财务交易进行系统、全面的记录。会计还指总结、分析并向监督机构、监管机构和税收实体报告这些交易的过程。自 2015年起,阿联酋商业公司规定,保存正确的账簿至少五年是一项法律要求。
Accounting is the systematic and comprehensive recording of the financial transactions of a company’s business. Accounting also refers to the process of summarising, analysing and reporting these transactions to supervisory bodies, regulators and tax entities. Since 2015, UAE business companies have made it a legal requirement to keep proper books of accounts for at least five years.
Accounting and bookkeeping services in Dubai are an important part of a company and help to keep track of the company’s income and expenses.
Everest Accountancy is a leading financial and accounting services company and we help our clients maintain a high level of professional standards and quality. As your business expands, you may consider hiring professional and affordable accounting and bookkeeping services in Dubai, bookkeeping business services provided by qualified bookkeepers can help you avoid burdensome and time-consuming responsibilities, and by outsourcing you will be able to reduce costs, gain access to information, and get the right choice of experts for your business. So, if you have been looking for a company that can provide quality accounting and bookkeeping services in the UAE, then you have come to the right place. We take pride in providing excellent accounting and bookkeeping services to small and medium sized companies in Dubai and other emirates of the UAE.